
Sandstone landscapes in Europe
Past, present and future

English version  Version française
Vianden (Luxbg.)
25-28 May 2005

1st | 2nd circular

Programme Registration Photos Contact Links
Contact address regarding the Congress:

Mr Christian RIES
Sandstone 2005 Luxembourg co-ordination

c/o Musée national d'histoire naturelle
25, rue Münster
L-2160 Luxembourg

Phone: (+352) 46 22 33 - 416
Fax: (+352) 46 22 33 - 441
Handy: (+352) 021 290 767 (only between 20-29 May)

E-mail: sandstone@symposium.lu
Internet: http://www.symposium.lu/sandstone

Diphyscium foliosum (Musci). Frequent on shaded, acid and sandy slopes of “Petite-Suisse Luxembourgeoise” - ©  by F. Hans

Logo of presidency of the Council 2005

In the frame of the Luxembourg precidency of the Council of the European Union in 2005 and with support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and the National Research Fund.

Luxembourg Ministry of Environment

Logo of the National Research Fund

Logo of National Natural History Museum of Luxembourg [www.naturmusee.lu]

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