
Sandstone landscapes in Europe
Past, present and future

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Vianden (Luxbg.)
25-28 May 2005

1st | 2nd circular

Programme Registration Photos Contact Links

This international sandstone symposium will take place in Vianden (Luxembourg) in May 2005 and follows the sandstone symposium that took place in Doubice (CZ) in September 2002.

Typical rock formations in the Luxembourg sandstone area - © 1994 by Yves Krippel

The idea was brought to Luxembourg by a participant to the Czech symposium. The "Groupe d'études ayant pour objet la conservation du patrimoine naturel de la Petite-Suisse luxembourgeoise", an advisory group created by the Luxembourg Government to promote the conservation of remarkable natural sites in the Luxembourg sandstone area, the Mullerthal, also known as the "Petite-Suisse luxembourgeoise", launched the idea to organize the next sandstone symposium in Luxembourg.

Organizing institutions

Partner organizations

  • A.G.L. - Association des géologues luxembourgeois (Luxembourg geologists association)
  • A.G.M.P. - Amis de la géologie, de la minéraolgie et de la paléontologie du Luxembourg (Friends of geology, mineralogy and paleonthology in Luxembourg)
  • H.F.N. - Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur (Help for nature foundation)
  • LAG LEADER+ Mullerthal - Local action group Leader +
  • NATURA - Ligue luxembourgeoise pour la protection de la nature et de l'environnement (Luxembourg league for the environment and nature conservancy)
  • Naturerkundungsstation Teufelsschlucht (Nature visitor center)
  • Oeko-fonds - Foundation Oeko-fonds
  • S.G.L. - Service géologique du Luxembourg (Geological survey of Luxembourg)
  • S.P.L. - Société préhistorique luxembourgeoise (Luxembourg prehistorical society)

The castle of Beaufort built in sandstone - © 1995 by Yves Krippel

Logo of presidency of the Council 2005

In the frame of the Luxembourg precidency of the Council of the European Union in 2005 and with support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and the National Research Fund.

Luxembourg Ministry of Environment

Logo of the National Research Fund

Logo of National Natural History Museum of Luxembourg [www.naturmusee.lu]

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